About Us


The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries was established by the University administration in 2014 after receiving approval from the University Senate and was headed by Dr. Stephen Bolu at the time. Professor L.O. Tiamiyu was named the department’s first Head of Department in 2016. In its inaugural accreditation program, the National University Commission (NUC) granted full accreditation to the Department in 2018. The Department graduated its first and second batches of students in 2019 and 2020, respectively, under the leadership of Dr. M. I Abubakar. The Department currently offers a Bachelor’s degree program in aquaculture and fisheries (B. Aquaculture and Fisheries), which is becoming increasingly popular in the Country. Dr. M.I. Abubakar presently leads the department, which has 374 undergraduate students enrolled in her program.